Tag Archives: Track 11

He Ain’t Feelin’ Anything

I feel like the flowers in this vase, he just brought em’ home one day, “Ain’t they beautiful” he said. They’ve been here in the kitchen and the water’s turnin’ grey. They’re sittin’ in the vase but now they’re dead.

Clatan 26th, 1513 – Merchant District, River Sulis, Lothianshire, Albion

“That’s brothers for you.” Mama said with a chuckle over the story that Lyssa had just finished telling about Julia’s brother Edmund. Edmund was a pest a lot of the time, still in the bratty boy stage. Julia sometimes said that all boys were always brats, but if her brother Brandon was a brat, he was at least nice enough to not be a brat when Lyssa was around.


“Was Uncle Christian like that?” Lyssa wondered aloud. Mama got a somewhat far away look on her face and smiled.

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